- (außerhalb der Universität) zu Themen wie:
"Gerechtigkeit", "Liebe", "Soziale Ungleichheit", "Wissenschaft", "Zivilcourage"
- Social Theory meets the Pandemic (keynote)
The Spectrum of Democracy in Times of the Pandemic: Re-Narrating Inequality and Social Justice in Asia. Indonesian Sociological Study Program Association, APSSI, Malang, 2021.
- Two Forms of Theory Building in Sociology
41st Refresher Course for Faculty Members throughout India. School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 2021.
- Understanding Social Conflicts in Contemporary European Sociology (opening plenary)
Sorokin Readings. XIV International scientific conference, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 2020.
- Two Forms of 'Systems': Social Theory as Social Practice (keynote)
International Social Theory Consortium (ISTC), 18th Annual Conference, Dubrovnik, 2019.
- Zivilcourage – im Spiegel der Gesellschaft
Zivilcourage - Chancen und Risiken.
Bundesministerium für Inneres/Weisser Ring, Wien, 2018.
- Sociology Today: Compass lost? Sociology in the Post-Welfare Society (plenary)
(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities. 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Athens, 2017.
- Contemporary European Sociology: Conditions of Knowledge Production (keynote)
World Sociology Summit (): New Developments, New Notions, Lanzhou, Gansu Province, 2016.
Frank Welz has been teaching sociology at the Innsbruck School of Social and Political Sciences since 2006. He obtained his MA and PhD degree in Sociology, History, Philosophy and Psychology from the University of Freiburg, Germany, and Habilitation (2nd dissertation) from Innsbruck University, Austria.
He has served as the of the in 2015-2017 and as a member of the Executive Committee and vice-president of the ESA from 2011 to 2015. He has further been a Governing Board member of the and a Founding Member of the . Frank coordinated ESA's (RN29) 2007 to 2011, and, at home (in Austria), he also served as Vice-President of the .
Recently, Frank has been publishing on sociological theory, sociology of culture, particularly law, and the history of sociology. His main interest is, first, exploring the theoretical underpinnings of the significant questions of macro-historical change, particularly the current ongoing transformation of sovereignty, and, related to the former, second, incorporating a processual view resp. 'historical epistemology' into sociology. In addition, with a group of a dozen PhD candidates he currently works toward a "Theory of Social Practice", that is, exploring and applying theories and concepts of thinkers such as Foucault, Bourdieu and others.
Before his appointment to the research and teaching unit Social and Political Theory at Innsbruck University, Department of Sociology, he has worked out the idea and put into practice the "Global Studies" Master's Freiburg-Durban-N.Delhi at Freiburg/Germany (GSP) where he directed the program from its takeoff in 2002 to 2006.
Frank studied sociology, modern history, philosophy and psychology at the Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg where he had been teaching since 1988. He further was a research fellow at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Onati, Spain, at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) at Bielefeld University, Germany, and at the Department of Sociology of the University of Cambridge, UK. He has been an invited keynote and plenary speaker around the world.
His initiatives at Freiburg have been awarded with several prizes, among others e.g. the State's 1999, the for the 'virtual' seminar series "LEC" Freiburg-JNU New Delhi (2000) and the (Munich 2005) and Stifterverband/DAAD's quality label "" (2006) for the GSP.
MA (with distinction), Freiburg, Albert-Ludwigs University (Sociology; Philosophy, Psychology, History)
PhD (summa cum laude), Freiburg, Albert-Ludwigs University (Sociology; Philosophy, Psychology)
Habilitation (venia docendi)/2nd dissertation, Innsbruck, Leopold-Franzens University (Sociology)
School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Innsbruck, Austria (assoziierter Professor);
2001 to 2006 Program director, Global Studies Master's Program, Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg; 1988-2006 Assistant and Associate Professor of Sociology (C1/C2), Freiburg; 1997-98 Fellow, Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), University of Bielefeld;
Visiting Scholar, International Institute for the Sociology of Law: Onati, Spain.
fellowships, grants, awards:
1988 Kurt Hahn Memorial Fellowship (DAAD), Cambridge University, UK (declined in
favour of a position at U Freiburg)
1986 Harvard University, Cambridge/Mass.
1997 Fellow, Center for
Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld University
1998 Department of Science of the
State of Baden-Württemberg/German Telekom, International
 LEC-teaching project "European Social Structure" & "Cultural Globalization" (DM 300 000)
1999 Distinguished Teaching Award, State government Baden-Württemberg, Minister of Science
 (DM 15 000)
2000 MeDiDa-Prix 2000/honors award (Media Didactic University Prize of GMW), Finalist, Innsbruck, Austria.
2000 Dr. Wolfgang Heilmann-Prize for human use of information technology (DM 10 000), 1st Prize,
 Stuttgart, Germany
2001 BMBF DAAD Institutional grant for the International Study Programme "Global Studies Programme"
 (DM 1 000 000).
2004 BMW Group Award for Intercultural Learning (€ 5000), 1st Prize, Munich, Germany
2006 Quality Label "Top 10 International Master's Degree courses made in Germany" (€ 20000),
 Berlin, Germany
European Sociological Association (ESA); International Sociological Association (ISA); American Sociological Association (ASA);
Austrian Sociological Association (ÖGS), German Sociological Association (DGS).
conferences - selected (main organizer)
2024 Innsbruck: . International Conference
2024 Innsbruck:
2017 Innsbruck: .
16th Annual Conference
2013 Turin: . ESA 11th Conference (chair, Programme Committee)
2011 Innsbruck: Three-Nation Conference, The New Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere
2008 Innsbruck - 2009 Lisbon - 2010 Prague - 2011 Geneva: ESA Social Theory Conference
2003 Freiburg: The Quality of Social Existence in a Globalising World |